About the program
The Twinning Program will focus on bringing together two organizations in the field of art and culture to work closely for a period of time and create a space for mutual learning and engagement, which will enable capacity building and networking for the participants. Twins in the program may exchange staff, skills and expertise on the level of management, programming and production. Organizations can apply for the program jointly, however the organizers will support the matchmaking process for those organizations that can demonstrate the need for twinning but do not have a potential twin in the application phase.
A Twinning Program consists of two organizations – the twins – from two different countries. The organizations should apply for their tailor-made program that responds to the actual needs for capacity and/or program developments in their organizations. The program will take place in a format of mobility where the twins visit one another for a period of time, with the intention to further expand the cooperation in the future. The organizations should be working in matching fields in arts and culture. However, cross-sectoral cooperation will be supported when justified. The program can have different formats and compositions. A few examples of possible programs are:
Study visits format is suitable in the situations when the organizations intend to exchange knowledge and information about a specific program or topic with the intention to develop it further in the future. The organizations should specify the topic in the application phase (i.e. education program, public relations, audience development, etc.). Such a format can be composed of meetings, interviews, observations, discussions, and similar. All this can be conducted with different stakeholders of the hosting organization: for example, team members relevant to the topic, target group and beneficiaries, partners, and others. Hands-on format is suitable when the organizations need to exchange specific skills and practices relevant to their workplace in a certain department (i.e. stage technician, event coordination, etc. ). Such a format can be composed of practical work. During the mobility, the participant integrates with the team members and works together in their chosen field. New initiatives format will facilitate the creation and development of new and joint undertakings of two organizations. These can be programs, projects, events, and similar. Such a format can be composed of workshops, brainstorming sessions, project writings, and similar practices.
If relevant, these formats can be combined. Organizations are free to propose other formats if they align with the Twinning Program goal. Whichever format is chosen, the program will enable both twins with new perspectives, competences or further develop their programs in their own organizations.
All of the formats are being conducted in mobility activities and comprise a visit of one twin to another. The visits can be reciprocal, but also only one side can do the residential stay, if needed. Applicants should identify their topic in the application stage, and in the selection stage will be invited to design an agenda of mobility.
Who can participate?
Organizations working in the field of arts and culture that are based in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Serbia, Slovenia and North Macedonia can apply. They can twin with another organization that operates in these countries, as long as it is not an organization from their home country.
Small organizations are encouraged to apply, however, the call is open to all organizations who have a clear objective to attend the program.
The proposal should be developed jointly by the twins and submitted by one of the partners (applicant organization as referred to in the application form). If the program includes only a one way visit, the submission should be done by the organization that will do the mobility.
The Twining Programs should be implemented between October 2021 and February 2022. This is the first circle of the Twinning Program, whereas the next call is expected to be launched in spring 2022.
Budget items to be covered by the program are travel expenses, accommodation, per diems and material costs related to the Twinning Program only if they are needed. The maximum of the financial budget to be covered by the project will be 4,000.00 EUR per one Twinning program. In case of the pandemic restrictions, the program can be switched online and in this case only material/production costs will be covered, if any. Applicants are requested to send an estimated budget, in a value-per-money principle, based on the reasonable expense of the city they are going to be hosted in.
How to apply?
Follow the link in order to apply. Deadline for application: 20 September 2021. For more information about the application procedure, you can contact kristina@anibar.com and platforma.kooperativa@gmail.com.
What if you do not have a twin yet?
If you do not have a twin organization yet and you need suggestions, you can write to us with the request to assist you in finding the twin. In this email make sure to include the following details: Name of the organization; website; contact email; and a short description of the twining idea. You can send the request at platforma.kooperativa@gmail.comno later than 20 August 2021.
We will share your expression of interest through our networks. Once you have been paired with an organization you should jointly develop a proposition and apply formally through the application process.
If there will be an interest, we will share the contact with you and then you can contact the potential twins. After that, you should jointly apply to the application form.
About the project
The Twinning Program is part of the project Regional Lab: New Culture Spaces and Networks as drivers of an Innovative and Sustainable Bottom-up Development of Regional Collaboration granted by Creative Europe: Sub-programme – Western Balkans Cooperation projects – 2020.
The project builds on the existing experiences and collaborations and further develops regional and European exchange, creating a dynamic scheme of artistic exchange between cultural centers, creating evidence based knowledge on new participatory models of operation, building capacities and skills of artists and cultural operators to act regionally and internationally and raising visibility of regional collaboration both on a local and European level.
The project is conducted by the consortium consisting of several partners from six SEE countries lead by Kooperativa – Regionalna platforma za kulturu, and project partners Anibar from Kosovo, Društvo Asociacija from Slovenia, NKSS from Serbia, Jadro Association | Јадро Асоцијација | Jadro Asociacioni from North Macedonia, Operacija grad from Croatia, and OKC Abrašević from BiH.