Kako je proljeće vrijeme ponovnog rađanja, rasta i novih početaka, i mi ćemo krenuti tim putem, otvarajući se novim stvarima kroz pokret i bolje upoznavanje vlastitog tijela.
Lena i Sabiha, koje s velikom strašću koriste različite forme i tehnike savremenog plesa, teatra i performansa, s radošću donose proljeće u Abraš, oživljavajući filozofiju amaterizma i dijeleći s vama svoje znanje i prakse.
Laboratorije pokreta će se održavati svakog četvrtka od 19:00 do 20:00 sati u OKC Abrašević. Datumi prvog bloka su 13., 20., 27., mart i 3. april.
Ako želite eksperimentisati s pokretom, naučiti nešto novo, pridružite nam se u prvom bloku naše laboratorije pokreta, koji će biti fokusiran na moderni i savremeni ples u Abrašu. Dođite s radošću, u udobnoj odjeći i ponesite sa sobom flašu vode.
As Spring is a time of rebirth, growth and new beginnings, we will move along with it, opening ourselves to new things with the start of moving and getting to know our bodies better.
Lena and Sabiha, who are passionate in using different forms and techniques of contemporary dance, theatre, performance are excited to bring Spring to Abras, revive the philosophy of amateurism and share with you their knowledge and practices.
The labs will take place every Thursday at 19:00 until 20:00 PM at OKC Abrašević.
If you would like to experiment with the movement, learn new things, join us in the first block of our movement lab which will have its focus on modern and contemporary dance in Abraš.
Justcome with joy, comfortable clothes and bring with yourself a bottle of water.